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Easy booking
Booking online is now easier than ever. With Hop2 you'll also find the greatest values - all online and in a quick, time-saving manner.
All directions
Here you'll find all type of fares, from one-way flights to round-the-world trips, no matter how complex. On all airlines, for all destinations.
24h support'
Our team of travel professionals are always at your service and ready to help. You can reach us from anywhere in the world at any time.
600+ airlines
We offer itineraries on over 600 airlines worldwide. No matter how complex your travel plans, we’ll find you a great deal!
What our Customers Say
This underlines our commitment to provide total customer satisfactionAs I found out some of the bad reviews, I'll keep a strong eye on my reservation. Everything went smoothly so far. The booking process was easy and the company's agents understood my needs. I checked with the airline as well, and the reservation was confirmed. I talked to their travel agents via chat and email, and we had a clear conversation. There were some changes in my itinerary, but everything was fixed within a day.
I have never thought that I would use that chat thing, but it was really efficient. Right after I booked the ticket, I noticed that I chose the wrong departure date. Savannah was the one who answered my concerns and re-booked the ticket with the correct departure date. Such a straightforward service, I like it!!!